Wednesday, March 21, 2007



By Faseeh Biabani

Why is it that owning up to our mistakes is so difficult?
Wanting to explore the world, inflicting pain as a result
Childish and young, yet all we crave is to be adults
Looking down at the youth, leaving nothing but insults
Only to realize our errors, in times like these who does one consult?

Knacking age and freedom
Lacking shame and wisdom
Joining in on the pressures of the system
Causing affliction, making our parents the victims
Blaming each other for the faults of our own
Too much pride and too much to hold
When only a simple word can cure our souls..

Respect your elders, and those younger will respect you
Reject your sins and errors, and He will reject you
Break a heart, and be denied when He resurrects you
But make a heart smile, and notice how it affects you
Sincerely apologize, and watch how it perfects you..

Sorry. Just one word that carries so much weight
A simple word that eradicates hate
An elementary term from an elementary trait
Yet a word so hard for our minds to create
What we crave for hearts to communicate..

I've done wrong and I've done right
Muster up the strength with all my might
Blinded by wrongs, God show me the light
To adjust my visions and adjust my sight
Stand up to my pride and put up a fight..

But you know what? It's time to put my pride to the side
Crush my ego, and let out what I feel inside
No more energy left to suppress what I hide
Take a dose of the medicine that I've prescribed..

Here we go..
I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made
I'm sorry for feeling so afraid
Sorry for all the pain that I have caused
Sorry for all the time that I have paused
Intentionally or not,
I take back what I've done and what I have not
Just so you can smile and say, "It's okay."


Unknown said...

Really nice. Something I think parents should learn how to say to their kids since they find it hard. Alhumdulillah I do say sorry to my kids but I can say a bit more.
Oh and it's okay:)

Anonymous said...

this ones my fave...

Unknown said...

woahh... u have a soft side? mashAllah poetry comes natural to u mr. sohaib bhai ;) lol that was really nice, may Allah forgive us all as he is the Most Forgiving and Most Merciful.. AMEEN!

~amerah~ =D

SeenSheen said...

Masha'Allah! My favorite for sure :)