Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mine and Yours

Hello folks.. I know I promised more updates once school ended, its just that due to so many things I havent been able to find the time, and now that school is back in session again, I find myself endlessly on a computer wasting my time on other sites, other than this blog I mean. To tell you the truth, I sort of lost some interest in constant updates; either that or I've just been WAY too lazy to put anything up, my apologies. Every other day I'd remind myself to put something up here, and I guess now that Ramadan is here, it gives me more of a reason to make some creative, positive, and beneficial use of my time.

I'll be blunt. Right now, in the position that I am sitting, I am in no mood to bore you all with my endless ranting, therefore I guess I'll write another poem: a mixture of love, withdrawal, togetherness, and a whole batch of other feelings, perhaps? No, that would just cause, not only yourself, but myself as well just immense trauma. I think it would be interesting to see what people want me to write about, if you have any suggestions, PLEASE let me know.. Actually, I think I'll do this one on parents..

Mine and Yours

By Faseeh Biabani

When I was born, I felt your heart smile at me
Picturing all of the things I'd grow to be
Blindly certain I would never drown your name
In a dark black sea of embarassment and shame
Jumping through time as if making plans
Smiling to yourself with every glance
You saw me grow 30 years in your head
Educated, strong, and happily wed
And thats when you knew that you were content
With what you had and the nine months you spent
Hoping that one day I would truly see
How proud you were when I came to be..

Time passed and years flew by
I grew older and learned not to cry
Mistakes were made in order to learn
"Dont touch the flame for you shall burn
Eat your veggies, and dont complain
Stop your whining, dont chew my brain
Respect your elders and those who are younger
Don't eat all that candy, you'll kill your hunger
Clean up after yourself, and wash your hands

Use the towel, and not your pants..
Walk and don't run, for you shall trip
Look, now you're bleeding and your jeans are ripped.."

I got older, yet I was still young
I thought I was smart, only I still was dumb
Prone to error, I tried what I could..
I kept myself pure, just like I should
Promised my heart I'd never commit wrong
Yet my nafs was smart, and just too strong.

Everything you said not to do, I did
Every time you called me, I just hid
Selfish. That just explains who I truly am
Using you as part of my plan
Blaming your fatigue as my reason to run
Who would've thought that I was your son
Caring for no one other than me
Walking out when you needed me
I avoided you because you never cared.
Whenever you were in pain, I just stared.
You cried and cried calling my name
But I'm not a kid anymore, I'm not the same

You were in the kitchen when I tried to leave
You called my name, begging me to eat
I zoned you out, and quickened my paces
You shouted for me to tie my laces
I rolled my eyes and shut the door
And stormed down all the way to the first floor
Far away, I found myself walking at the lake
Remembering how you and I alone would take
Long walks here when I was so much younger
How you covered my ears when I heard the thunder
You held me tight and told me not to fear
Because God is great and you wiped my tears

Then suddenly I felt my feet slip
I stepped on my lace and felt myself trip
I felt a chill and then it got hotter
And I fell slowly into the water
Struggling I dashed for the top
Unable to swim, I felt myself drop
I felt myself sink, lower and lower
I knew right then that it was over
Little did I know that my first words would be my last
My lungs filled with water and I knew I was going fast
My eyes began to close and I knew I was going blind
So I yelled the first thing that came to mind..
"Mama.. Mama.."