Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Starry Night

Starry Night
By: Faseeh Biabani

Black and blue, a depiction of the weak
Colors of the sky, stand alone still
Vast amount of beauty, I cannot speak
Not that I want to, nor that I will.

Ironic affiliation with rest and peace
Like a sponge, I sit and soak it in
To me its a bearer of ease
To them it's an invitation to sin.

Glimmer, Glisten, Sparkle, Wink
The stars above light my way
Alone I stand to quietly think
Where did I trip, where did I stray?

Glance at them before I close my eyes
I pray You forgive me for what I've done today
Open them suddenly to my surprise
I see him stand to take my soul away.

It's not really my time yet is it, I quickly ask
I have so much to do, so much to see
I thought this game was supposed to last
Yet he stands there, indifferent to my plea.

Not much I can do or say to get rid of him
Thank God I asked Him to forgive me
The notion caused me to give in on a whim
And then before I could count to three..